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June 5 - LOCA General Membership Meeting

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Leeway Overlee Civic Association

Notice of General Membership Meeting:


Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

LAC Studios

5722 Langston Blvd.


President:                       Jean Henceroth  (

Vice President:            Karen Guevara (

Secretary:                        Ladd Connell  (

Treasurer:                       Jennifer Michener  (

ArNAC Rep.                    Rob Swennes 

Bylaws changes to be voted on in June 2024

Your Civic Association will be voting on proposed changes to its bylaws to bring them up-to-date and provide more opportunities and flexibility in the ways that members can serve.   While these changes were already approved in a first vote at our April meeting, any bylaws changes require approval at two successive meetings, so the vote at this meeting is required for full approval.  The changes are as follows. 

Article IV, section 3, regarding payment of dues to the Civic Federation: strikes “during June” and adds “by the date required.”  Reason: dates of required payments do not necessarily fall in June every year. 

Article VI, Section 2, on the function of LOCA’s President: changes “spokesman” to “spokesperson.”  Reason: this should be gender neutral.

Article VI, adds new section 6:

Section 6.  Additional officers may be elected to support and assist the work of the officers as may be necessary or useful.  In the case of election of additional Vice Presidents, one shall be designated as First Vice President to clarify who shall succeed the President in event of a vacancy in the office of the President.  In the case of other officers, they shall be designated as “Assistant,” i.e. Assistant Treasurer or Assistant Secretary.  They shall also serve on the Executive Committee.  Additional officers may be also be elected or invited as Executive Committee members at-large or to lead committees or working groups, whenever the officers determine it useful to advance the work of the Civic Association.


Reason: it is helpful for the Civic Association to have additional members involved in its operation, since this allows broader sharing of duties, back-up in event of absences, and more diversity in the leadership.


Articles VII¸VIII, and IX: Changes “Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC)” to “Arlington Neighborhoods Advisory Committee (ArNAC)” or NCAC to ArNAC.  Reason: Arlington changed the name of this committee.


Article VII, Section 3: Changes the term of officers’ election from one year to two years.  Reason: over the past two decades, almost all elected officers have served for at least two years.  Nominations and elections take time and effort away from other work.  Two-year terms also assure a degree of continuity, important given that many CA issues take more than a year to resolve.


Article VII, Section 4:  Allows for an Executive Committee officer to fulfill a second officer role in the event of a vacancy, with the restriction that the President may not serve simultaneously as Treasurer.  Retains a two (two-year) term limit for the President, but removes the term limit for Vice Presidents.  The revised text reads (new text in italics):

Section 4. No member shall hold more than one Executive Committee office at a time, except on an interim basis in the event of a vacancy, and provided that the President may not serve simultaneously as Treasurer. No member should hold the office of President more than two two-year terms (or four years) in succession.


Reason: Provides an option for filling vacancies, retains separation of executive and financial duties, retains term limit for the President while allowing more continuity, and removes term limit for Vice Presidents to allow continuity in that role.


Article XIV, Section 4: Adds new payment methods, and adds the option of an Assistant Treasurer being empowered to make payments.  The revised text reads (new text in italics)::

Section 4. All disbursements shall be made by check signed, credit card, or electronic payment by the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, or the President.


  Reason: Provides flexibility in payment options more in line with available technology, and incorporates the new role of Assistant Treasurer, if one is elected.

Are you willing to switch from paper to electronic documents?

LOCA’s primary expense is printing this newsletter which is distributed 3-4 times annually by volunteers walking door to door.

To reduce newsletter printing costs and paper usage, the LOCA Executive Committee is considering sending via email the Newsletter, Notices of Meetings, etc. If you would like to receive these electronically, please send an email including your name, street address and phone number to: Both the Notices of Membership Meetings and the Newsletter will continue to be available on our web site and Facebook page.


(located between Langston Boulevard / 24th Street North and North Lexington / North Kentucky Streets) 

Did you know that this property and its facilities have been a vital and publicly available gathering place and park within the Leeway Overlee community as one of Arlington's earliest public schools (1926), Lee Community and Senior Center, then the LAC Studios? 

Did you know that County planners are proposing to repurpose the Lee Center block by removing almost a century's worth of athletics on that property, which is the ONLY PUBLIC PARK WITH OUR CIVIC ASSOCIATION? 

Are you willing to abandon these historic limited public recreational options within our neighborhood? 

Most importantly, it has been used for almost 100 years for children's recreation. This was true when the original elementary school was opened in 1926. It remained true when Arlington Public Schools (APS) closed the school in 1971 and transferred the property to Arlington County. It was true when the former school building housed the Lee Center Children's Cooperative. Today it continues to be true with its playground equipment, softball diamond, basketball court, and open green space providing neighborhood children with multiple recreational opportunities. 

The Executive Committee of Leeway Overlee Civic Association requested Arlington County preserve The Lee Community Center Park "as is" with no new construction on the site. IF YOU SUPPORT THIS, PLEASE TELL THE COUNTY BOARD and send it in writing to the County Board and Planning Commissioners -- they count the number of letters received regarding issues (a LOCA Executive Committee letter to the County is available below and on the LOCA Facebook page; you can print it and add your signature and your printed name, scan it, and email it to the County Board via its web site). 

Please refer to pp 28-32, 61 the Langston Boulevard Area Plan Draft 1: June 2023 detailing the county's plans: 

Date: September 13, 2023

To:  Residents of Leeway Overlee Civic Association (LOCA)

From: Jean Henceroth, President

Leeway Overlee Civic Association

RE: Langston Boulevard Area Plan, Draft 1: June 2023 ("the Plan") and 


Hello Neighbor,

Today I'm writing to ask you to send an email or letter (via email) to the Arlington County Board regarding the future of Lee Park and the former Lee Community Center / LAC Studios, both of which are threatened by the current version of Langston Boulevard Area Plan ("the Plan"). Although not yet approved by the County Board, the Plan refers to the former Lee Community Center as demolished, with the probability that a building replacing it could be 5 stories high and its footprint could take half of the park. Its purpose had not yet been determined but it probably would not be a community center.

If you support saving our park, please use the attached sample letter or email to write to the County Board. The County Board considers the volume of letters or emails received regarding a specific community issue when voting on it -- YOUR LETTER COULD HELP SAVE OUR PARK!

The LOCA Executive Committee is determined the park and any structure built therein be committed to serving our community and wrote a letter on August 31, 2023, to the County requesting:

"Arlington County conduct a public evaluation with public input to determine the short- and long-term uses of the former Lee Community Center (now LAC Studios) and the Lee Community Center Park (located between Langston Boulevard / 24th Street North and North Lexington / North Kentucky Streets) to commence no later than early 2024."


A Word copy of this letter is provided for your use, either to send in a traditional letter format or as an email.  Please: 


Link to Traditional Letter (to be mailed via USPS): document for mailing  

Link to Electronic (to be copied and pasted into an email and then emailed):  document for emailing 


     The Arlington County Police Department offers four permanent drug take-back boxes to dispose of unused, unwanted and potentially dangerous prescription drugs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with no questions at the following locations: Fire Stations #2, 5, 9 and Arlington County Police Department.