Searching Newsletters
To search the archive of newsletters:
Unfortunately, because we are not using GSuite, searching in public Google Drive folders is not straightforward, but it is possible.
First, you must be using a desktop/laptop browser (i.e., will not work on a smartphone with Google Drive app installed)
Next, in order for Google Drive to be able to search another account's public folders, you have to have viewed the files from your own account. To do this:
In your own Google Drive Account, open the Leeway Overlee Newsletters Folder
Open each of the year subfolders that you want to search, and open then close the PDF files stored within
This action will index the document in your personal Google Drive search index
Yes, this is tedious, but you only need to do this once. The document will be searchable in the future without having to open/close it again. If new documents are added, you will have to view them in order to search them.
Select this search link: LOCA Newsletter Search
Note that this link is a "Search in Folder" link. The default list of documents shown represents the documents that are searchable. If you don't see a document in this list, follow the steps above to open/close it to add it to the search index.
At the top of the page type your search terms in the "Search in Drive" text area
This will limit the results to documents in the newsletter archive.